Final Fall Presentation


Navigate to Final Presentation information to review requirements and rubric. Students will also have access to these guidelines.

See below on how to prepare your team.

How to Prepare Your Team

How do I prepare my team for the Final Fall Presentation?

There are a couple questions you need to answer before you can properly prepare your team for the presentation.

  1. Find out from your mentor, who is coming to the Final Fall Presentation? It is important to have a list of of these people by Sprint #5, as the students will need this information for a Professional Development assignment.

  2. Is it appropriate to show all of the work we have completed or is some of it confidential? Please discuss this with your mentor

  3. What are my expectations for student participation? Do all students need to speak? All students must have some role in the Fall Presentation.

After you answer these questions, you can start preparing your team. You will need to determine:

  • Content

  • Slide Preparation

    • Tips and Common Feedback

  • Speaking Roles

  • Timeline


To create an outline for your presentation, we will be using the transformation matrix and data storytelling. Students will have completed these assignments on their own in Professional development #5, before you do this activity as a team in lab.

Transformation matrix: The transformation matrix will help your team understand what your objectives for this presentation are and then create an outline for your presentation based on that.

Students will fill out the contents of the matrix in Professional Development #5. It is a good idea for TA’s to look at what they wrote before the in lab activity.

The team will fill the transformation out together in the second lab of Sprint #5. Please watch this video for more information Transformation Matrix

Please use this table when completing this exercise in lab.

  1. You will begin by filling out what your audience knows, believes (what they think), feels (an emotion) and does about the contents of your presentation.

  2. Then, you will fill out the "After" column, but in the reverse order. What you want your audience to do, feel, believe and know after your presentation?

  3. Lastly, you want to fill in the center column - the Transformation Column. This column will be what you can say, do or show in your presentation to get the audience members to where you want them to be. In lab, you can use sticky notes or bullet points to fill out the center column. Each box can have multiple ideas that help transform the audience to where you want them after.

The ideas in the transformation column will make up the contents of your presentation. You can use them as an outline for your slides.

What they…​ Before After





Data Storytelling:

In addition to the outline provided by the transformation matrix, we want to create presentations that tell a story. This will make your presentations more engaging for your audience.

In Professional Development #5, students filled out what their projects set up, conflict and resolution is. TA’s please watch this short video for more information Data Syorytelling. Again, it is a good idea to look at what students wrote for this before the in lab activity.

After creating the transformation matrix, as a team talk through how you will tell a story with your data. Try to integrate these concepts into your outline provided by the transformation matrix. Answer the following questions together in lab.

  1. What is the setup of your projects story? What is the before state of the data?

  2. What is the conflict within your projects story? How is your data changing? Why?

  3. What is the resolution within your project? What is the after state the change has lead to?

Slide Preparation

After your team determines the relevant content for the presentation, you will need to put it in a shareable format. Many teams use sharepoint presentations.

Tips and Common Feedback

  • Make sure you meet the minimum requirements for content

  • Leave time for a Q&A, you do not have to fill the full 50 minutes with presentation.

  • Make the presentation unique.

  • Have minimal words on the slides. Use powerful visuals instead and verbally share accomplishments.

  • As one of the last steps, make sure the presentation is uniform (same fonts and sizes, colors, styles).

View past presentations (from Spring Symposium) on The Data Mine Website to get ideas.

Speaking Roles

Now that you have a presentation, you should communicate it to your audience. One of the best ways to do this is to identify the number of sections and then assign speakers based on comfortability. It is recommended to have a back-up speaker for each section.

The most important part of assigning speaking roles for the Final Fall Presentation is making sure everyone has access to it.


Each team may require a slightly different timeline. Below is a generalized timeline of when to start and checkpoints along the way.

10/24-10/29: Start your presentation. In lab, complete the transformation matrix and use it to outline for your slides. Integrate concepts from data storytelling.

10/30-11/12: Work on presentation

11/13 Final Fall Presentation Materials DUE

11/18-11/22 Make edits to your poster based on feedback and practice in lab. Assign speaking roles.

11/25-11/28 Practice your presentation as a team in lab.

12/2-12/6 Final Fall Presentation in your Team Meeting.