Fall 2024 TA Responsibility Overview

See the TA Training for more details on any responsibilities. Navigate to Fall 2024 Schedule to find deadlines.

Direct questions to your head TA, email [email protected], or ask a staff member.

All TA attendance and task deadlines are being tracked by your head TA.


  • Attend labs and meetings.

  • Track attendance for each lab and meeting.

  • Complete your time sheet submission with your justification in SuccessFactors. Time sheet submission

  • (Recommended) Send out weekly updates to your team with weekly summary, announcements, and what is coming up.

  • Complete grading (alternating professional development and sprint reports)


  • Report attendance (during grading of each student’s sprint report).

  • Complete your team report and submit this to Gradescope.


  • Attend TA meeting

Once a semester

  • Complete training.

  • Attend TA Orientation.

  • Submit mid-semester feedback.

  • Submit final semester feedback.

  • Turn in Fall Final presentation materials for your team.

  • Attend and support students at the Fall Final Presentation.