Sprint #2

Intro Video

Sprint Dates

Monday, 9/4: Labor Day (no Corporate Partner meetings/classes)

Lab (Mon/Tues) then Meeting (Thurs/Fri)

Meeting (Mon/Tues) then Lab (Thurs/Fri)

Sprint Start Date

Thurs 9/7

Tues 9/5

Sprint End Date

Wed 9/20

Sun 9/17

Due Date

Wed 9/20 by 11:59 PM ET

Sprint Tasks

✓ Github on Anvil (Setting up ssh keys)

As soon as possible, set up your ssh key for Github on Anvil. ssh key are the way for github to verify that you are who you say you are. This will allow you to push and pull code from your team’s repository and collaborate with your team members on github.

When: As soon as possible!

What: Set up ssh key on Github for Anvil. There is nothing to submit for this item.

✓ Starter Guides

Use these starter guides to up-skill during the first couple of sprints. You will be using these tools throughout the semester on your semester!

When: When you are ready to upskill!

What: Review the following Starter Guides and work with your TA to see which topics are relevant for your project - there is nothing to submit for this item.

✓ Professional Development

The Data Mine Corporate Partners program is a professional development program. We want to help you develop the skills you need to be successful in your career. We will have a variety of professional development activities throughout the semester.

In each sprint you will complete a few professional development-related tasks. During this sprint, we will focus on learning to read scientific papers, creating an elevator pitch, updating resume/CV or practicing for interviews, and professional attire.

When: Due Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Review How to read Scientific Paper and complete "How to read scientific papers" section in "Sprint 2: Professional Development" .You may have the article open while you take the quiz.

Where: Complete the knowledge check for this professional development training in Gradescope in the assignment "Sprint 2: Professional Development".

When: Due Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Review Elevator Pitch Guide. and submit your elevator pitch in "Sprint 2: Professional Development".

Where: Complete the knowledge check for this professional development training on Gradescope in the assignment "Sprint 2: Professional Development".

When: Due Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Review Update Resume/CV or Complete Mock Interview Assignment and write a reflection in "Sprint 2: Professional Development".

Where: Complete the knowledge check for this professional development training on Gradescope in the assignment "Sprint 2: Professional Development".

When: Due Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Review Professional Attire Guidelines and submit a photo of your business attire on "Sprint 2: Professional Development". (You can upload a photo of your professional attire on a hanger)

Where: Complete the knowledge check for this professional development training on Gradescope in the assignment "Sprint 2: Professional Development".

✓ Sprint #2 Report

When: Due Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.

What: Answer the questions in the Sprint #2 Report accessed on Gradescope. You will write your answers directly in the Gradescope assignment.

Where: Gradescope