Spring 2024 TA Responsibility Overview
See the TA Training for more details on any responsibilities. Navigate to Spring 2024 Schedule to find deadlines.
Direct questions to your head TA, email [email protected], or ask a staff member.
All TA attendance and task deadlines are being tracked by your head TA, Katie Yi. |
Attend labs and meetings.
Track attendance for each lab and meeting.
Complete your time sheet submission with your justification in SuccessFactors. Time sheet submission
(Recommended) Send out weekly updates to your team with weekly summary, announcements, and what is coming up.
Complete grading of Sprint Reports and Professional Development.
Complete your team report and submit this to Gradescope.
Once a semester
Complete training and submit your FERPA.
Attend TA Orientation.
Submit mid-semester feedback.
Submit final semester feedback.
Turn in symposium draft and final materials for your team.
Attend and support students at the Symposium.
(Optional) Attend end of semester TA event! More details to come.