NDMN Student Attendance Policy

NDMN students are expected to be present for every Corporate Partner Meeting as they are receiving a monthly stipend from the NSF to participate. Attendance is reported to the NSF to ensure students are meeting the requirements outlined in the program. Multiple absences (excused or unexcused) will be reported to and reviewed by The Data Mine team to determine if the student can remain in the program.

For the purposes of this course, being “present” means attending all online meetings with camera on and actively participating.

The following are types of absences that will be considered excused:

  • Grief/Bereavement

  • Jury Duty

  • Medical Excused Absence or Emergent Medical Care

  • Military Absence

  • Parenting Leave

Regardless if a student’s absence is planned or unplanned, excused or unexcused, please work them and the rest of the team to catch up on missed information and work in order to make sure the project doesnt get behind.

Commitment to Attendance Policy


Maintaining consistent attendance is crucial for the success of our program and the academic progress of our students. To ensure commitment and accountability, we have implemented an new attendance commitment policy. This guide outlines the details of the policy, the consequences of multiple unexcused absences, and the steps students can take to avoid these absences.

Policy Overview

The attendance commitment policy is designed to encourage regular attendance and active participation in the program. Each unexcused absence is noted. After three unexcused absences, a student’s participation in the program will be reviewed.

TAs are expected to keep track of student attendance in whatever way works best for them in order to maintain student engangement and commitment to the project

Tips for keeping track of student attendance: * Create Google Forms or Microsoft Forms for students to check in or use an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of weekly attendance

Unexcused Absences

An absence is considered unexcused if it does not meet the criteria for an excused absence and is not reported according to the program’s attendance reporting procedures.

Examples of unexcused absences:

  • Missing a session without prior notice or a valid reason.

  • Failing to provide appropriate documentation for an absence.

Excused Absences

An absence may be excused if it is due to valid reasons and properly reported.

Examples of excused absences:

  • Medical appointments (with a doctor’s note).

  • Family emergencies.

  • Academic obligations (with prior approval).

Other Absences

Absence Consequences For Students

What if the absence does not meet the criteria of one of the excused absence types above?

  • Absences outside of those excused class absences are at the discretion of the TA and Mentor. Students should work with their TA directly to discuss their absence and the opportunity to complete missed coursework.

First Unexcused Absence

Upon receiving the first unexcused absence:

  • The student will receive a notification.

  • The CRP TA will discuss the attendance policy with the student to prevent further absences.

Second Unexcused Absence

Upon receiving the second unexcused absence:

  • The student will receive a second notification.

  • The student will meet with their CRP TA to discuss the reasons for absences.

  • The CRP project TA will esclate the matter to the CRP Head TA to work with them and the student to develop a plan of action to avoid futher unexcused absences for the student.

Third Unexcused Absence

Upon receiving the third unexcused absence:

  • The student will receive a final notification.

  • The Head NDMN TA will review the student’s attendance record to determine the appropriate action on a case by case basis(which may involve ab esclation to the Program Coordinator), leading to dismissal from the program or in some cases, additional action from the CRP TA.

Helping Students Avoid Unexcused Absences

*Clear communication of the attendance policy.

  • Ensure students are aware of the attendance policy, including what constitutes an excused versus an unexcused absence.

Regular Reminders

  • Send regular reminders about the importance of attendance and any upcoming sessions or deadlines.

Tips for students for avoiding unexcused absences:

  • Plan and prioritize your schedule to avoid conflicts with program sessions.

  • Communicate proactively with the TA and follow their advice if you anticipate an absence.

  • Provide required documentation promptly for any excused absences.

  • Seek support if you are facing challenges that impact your attendance.


The attendance commitment policy is in place to ensure commitment and active participation in our program. By understanding and adhering to this policy, students can contribute to a productive and successful learning environment. If you have any questions or concerns about the policy, please contact the TA.

If you have any futher questions, please reach out to the Head NDMN TA.

Dropped Absences

Should there be any concerns, please email: [email protected]