Team Contract

As the TA, you are responsible for ensuring your student team has a clear understanding of the expectations for both your project and The Data Mine. To support this, we have implemented the creation of a Team Contract for each team to agree upon shared norms. It is essential that you guide your team through the process of following and completing the team contract outline. This document will establish the standards and expectations for the year and will be referenced frequently to maintain alignment and accountability.

During the first lab of Sprint #2, Complete the Team Contract Outlined Below. If your lab is canceled due to Labor Day 09/02, please complete the Team Contract in the next weeks Lab. You will submit your completed contract in Gradescope at the end of Sprint #2.

Team Contract Instructions

  1. Review the Outline: Begin by reviewing the team contract outline provided here, ensuring you understand each section and its importance.

  2. Facilitate Discussion: Work with your team to collaboratively discuss each section of the outline and how it pertains to your project. Encourage open dialogue to gather input and ensure all team members are on the same page.

  3. Fill Out the Contract: Work together to complete each section of the team contract, clearly defining roles, responsibilities, communication plans, and other key elements. MAKE SURE you have a discussion about the use of AI with your mentor, prior to creating this contract.

  4. Set Clear Standards: Emphasize that this contract will set the standards for the team’s operations throughout the year. Ensure all members understand and agree to the expectations outlined.

  5. Regular Reference: Remind the team that the contract will be referenced regularly during the project to maintain focus, resolve conflicts, and measure progress. Make sure everyone knows where to access the document and is committed to adhering to it.

  6. Sign and Commit: Once the contract is complete, have all team members sign it, symbolizing their commitment to the agreed-upon standards and guidelines. TA’s also sign this.

  7. Submit in Gradescope: Submit the final Team Contract in Gradescope when you complete your grading for Sprint #2.