R base
is a function used to build a contingency table, which is a table that shows counts for categorical data, from one or more categories. prop.table
is a function that accepts table
output, returning proportions of the counts.
In the Olympics data, which value appears in the "NOC" column the most times?
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myDF <- read.csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/olympics/athlete_events.csv")
head(sort(table(myDF$NOC), decreasing=TRUE), n=1)
USA 18853
& grepl
stands for " globally search for a regular expression and print all matches," just as in UNIX. The function allows you to use regular expressions to search for a pattern in a vector of strings or characters, and returns the index (indices) of the match(es).
Additionally, the function grepl
(derived from grep-logical) uses the same inputs, but returns a logical vector, where TRUE
indicates a match at that index, and FALSE
indicates the opposite.
How many rows have "Denmark" in the team name ("Denmark" may or may not be the exact team name)?
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table(grepl("Denmark", myDF$Team))["TRUE"]
TRUE: 3496
Find the names of the teams that have "Denmark" in the team name but are not exactly "Denmark".
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myDF$Team[grepl("Denmark", myDF$Team) & myDF$Team != "Denmark"]
'Denmark/Sweden' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Miss Denmark 1964' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-3' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-4' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark/Sweden' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Miss Denmark 1964' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-3' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark/Sweden' 'Denmark/Sweden' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark/Sweden' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-4' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark-2' 'Denmark-1' 'Denmark/Sweden'