Writing Functions in R
Using the deathrecords.csv file, use the makeatable
function to display table of values from the Sex column of the DeathRecords.
makeatable <- function(x) {prop.table(table(x, useNA="always"))}
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myDF <- read.csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/death_records/DeathRecords.csv")
makeatable <- function(x) {prop.table(table(x, useNA="always"))}
x F M <NA> 0.4939664 0.5060336 0.0000000
Using the deathrecords.csv file, use the makeatable
function to display table of values from the MaritalStatus column of the DeathRecords.
makeatable <- function(x) {prop.table(table(x, useNA="always"))}
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myDF <- read.csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/death_records/DeathRecords.csv")
makeatable <- function(x) {prop.table(table(x, useNA="always"))}
x D M S U W <NA> 0.152388043 0.372463819 0.126575962 0.007112043 0.341460133 0.000000000
Using the deathrecords.csv file, use the teenagecount
function to display the number of teenagers in the DeathRecords data.
teenagecount <- function(x) {length(x[(x >= 13) & (x <= 19) & (!is.na(x))])}
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myDF <- read.csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/death_records/DeathRecords.csv")
teenagecount <- function(x) {length(x[(x >= 13) & (x <= 19) & (!is.na(x))])}