Data Transformations
In this document, we will:
Explore how to transform data using Python’s pandas library.
Learn to apply functions or mappings to modify and categorize data.
Use the
method to create new columns based on custom logic. -
Leverage the
function to map values using dictionaries. -
Understand how to bin continuous data into categories with
. -
Practice quantile-based binning to divide data into evenly distributed groups.
Transforming data involves modifying the existing data by applying a function or mapping. This process is useful for creating new features, or cleaning raw data.
Applying Functions or Mappings to Transform Data in Python
It is often necessary to transform data based on the values in an array, Series, or DataFrame column. This transformation could involve applying mathematical operations, formatting text, mapping categorical values, or deriving new features.
We will use the following dataset(s) to understand how to transform data:
Let’s say we wanted to transform the column DaysOnZillow_AllHomes
into a new column. The DaysOnZillow_AllHomes
column represents the number of days houses remain listed on Zillow. Let’s create a new column that is based on these rules:
Homes listed for fewer than 30 days could be categorized as "New Listing".
Homes listed between 30 and 90 days as "Moderate Listing".
Homes listed for more than 90 days as "Old Listing".
import pandas as pd
myDF = pd.read_csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/zillow/Metro_time_series.csv")
Let’s remove some columns to make the dataset smaller and easier to work with. We will only keep columns that are the most relevant columns for real estate analysis in order to create a smaller DataFrame.
relevant_columns = [
real_estate_data = myDF[relevant_columns].copy()
real_estate_data = real_estate_data.dropna() #remove na rows for now
List of the columns we kept:
Index(['Date', 'AgeOfInventory', 'DaysOnZillow_AllHomes', 'InventorySeasonallyAdjusted_AllHomes', 'InventoryRaw_AllHomes', 'MedianListingPrice_AllHomes', 'MedianListingPricePerSqft_AllHomes', 'MedianRentalPrice_AllHomes', 'MedianRentalPricePerSqft_AllHomes', 'ZHVI_AllHomes', 'ZRI_AllHomes', 'PriceToRentRatio_AllHomes', 'PctOfHomesSellingForGain_AllHomes', 'PctOfHomesSellingForLoss_AllHomes'], dtype='object')
Now let’s create a function called categorize_listings
to create a new column for DaysonZillow_AllHomes
def categorize_listings(days):
if days < 30:
return "New Listing"
elif 30 <= days <= 90:
return "Moderate Listing"
return "Old Listing"
real_estate_data.loc[:, 'ListingCategory'] = real_estate_data['DaysOnZillow_AllHomes'].apply(categorize_listings)
print(real_estate_data[['DaysOnZillow_AllHomes', 'ListingCategory']].head(10))
DaysOnZillow_AllHomes ListingCategory 145937 116.75 Old Listing 146840 115.25 Old Listing 147743 105.00 Old Listing 148647 89.75 Moderate Listing 149552 82.75 Moderate Listing 150458 82.75 Moderate Listing 151364 83.00 Moderate Listing 152271 83.50 Moderate Listing 153178 86.00 Moderate Listing 154085 90.75 Old Listing
With the new ListingCategory
column, we have successfully categorized homes based on how long they have been listed on Zillow. This new column adds interpretability to the dataset and can be used for further analysis.
Map Function
The map()
function is another tool for transforming data in a pandas Series. It allows you to apply changes by using either a function or a dictionary-like object to map values.
Here’s an example:
First, let’s extract the year from the Date column:
real_estate_data['Year'] = pd.to_datetime(real_estate_data['Date']).dt.year
Next, define a mapping dictionary to group years into decades:
year_to_decade = {
1996: "1990s",
1997: "1990s",
1998: "1990s",
1999: "1990s",
2000: "2000s",
2001: "2000s",
2002: "2000s",
2003: "2000s",
2004: "2000s",
2005: "2000s",
2006: "2000s",
2007: "2000s",
2008: "2000s",
2009: "2000s",
2010: "2010s",
2011: "2010s",
2012: "2010s",
2013: "2010s",
2014: "2010s",
2015: "2010s",
2016: "2010s",
2017: "2010s",
Now, let’s use the .map()
method to create a new column called Decade by applying the mapping:
real_estate_data['Decade'] = real_estate_data['Year'].map(year_to_decade)
print(real_estate_data[['Year', 'Decade']].head(10))
Year Decade 145937 2012 2010s 146840 2012 2010s 147743 2012 2010s 148647 2012 2010s 149552 2012 2010s 150458 2012 2010s 151364 2012 2010s 152271 2012 2010s 153178 2012 2010s 154085 2012 2010s
In data analysis, continuous data is often discretized or grouped into categories, or “bins,” to simplify analysis and reveal patterns. For instance, instead of analyzing individual values of AgeOfInventory
, we can group these values into meaningful ranges like "Low," "Moderate," or "High."
Using Python, we can create bins with pandas functions like pd.cut()
and pd.qcut()
. Let’s explore how this works with our AgeOfInventory
# Define the bins
bins = [0, 50, 100, 150, 200]
labels = ["Very Low", "Low", "Moderate", "High"]
real_estate_data['InventoryAgeBin'] = pd.cut(
real_estate_data['AgeOfInventory'], bins=bins, labels=labels)
print(real_estate_data[['AgeOfInventory', 'InventoryAgeBin']].head(20))
AgeOfInventory InventoryAgeBin 145937 109.0 Moderate 146840 98.0 Low 147743 72.0 Low 148647 65.0 Low 149552 66.0 Low 150458 65.0 Low 151364 68.0 Low 152271 70.0 Low 153178 76.0 Low 154085 80.0 Low 154992 83.0 Low 155899 88.0 Low 156601 104.0 Moderate 156806 89.0 Low 157508 109.0 Moderate 157713 73.0 Low 158415 100.0 Low 158621 56.0 Low 159323 86.0 Low 159529 53.0 Low
Binning is a technique used in data analysis to simplify continuous data by grouping it into categories.
Data Transformation with quantiles
Quantile-based binning is another technique that divides continuous data into intervals, or "bins," but it is such that each bin contains an approximately equal number of data points. We can use pd.qcut()
to divide the column 'AgeofInventory` in our data into bins based on quantiles.
real_estate_data['InventoryQuantile'] = pd.qcut(
labels=["Q1 (Lowest)", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4 (Highest)"]
print(real_estate_data[['AgeOfInventory', 'InventoryQuantile']].head(20))
Q1 (Lowest): Represents the lowest quartile (smallest 25% of values).
Q2: Represents the second quartile (25-50% range).
Q3: Represents the third quartile (50-75% range).
Q4 (Highest): Represents the highest quartile (largest 25% of values).
These techniques are good for preparing, simplifying, and transforming data for analysis. By mastering these methods, you can handle a wide variety of data transformation challenges in real-world projects.