Writing Functions in R
Using the 1990 flight data, define a function called myaveragedelay
that takes a 3-letter string (correspding to an airport code) and finds the average departure delays (after removing the NA values) from the DepDelay
column. Use myaveragedelay("IND")
to print the average departure delays for flights with Origin airport "IND".
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flightDF <- read.csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/flights/subset/1990.csv")
myaveragedelay = function(x) {mean(flightDF$DepDelay[flightDF$Origin == x], na.rm=TRUE)}
Using the 1990 flight data, define a function called myaveragedelay
that takes a 3-letter string (correspding to an airport code) and finds the average departure delays (after removing the NA values) from the DepDelay
column. Use myaveragedelay("JFK")
to print the average departure delays for flights with Origin airport "IND".
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flightDF <- read.csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/flights/subset/1990.csv")
myaveragedelay = function(x) {mean(flightDF$DepDelay[flightDF$Origin == x], na.rm=TRUE)}
Write a function called monthlydepdelays
that takes a year as the input and returns a table of length 12 with the average DepDelay for flights starting at IND in each of the 12 months of that year.
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monthlydepdelays <- function(year) {
file_path <- paste0("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/flights/subset/", as.character(year), ".csv")
flights <- read.csv(file_path)
ind_flights <- subset(flights, Origin == "IND")
avg_delays <- tapply(ind_flights$DepDelay, ind_flights$Month, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
1 7.28277205677707 2 9.49702660406886 3 6.92484111633048 4 4.94985835694051 5 5.47148703956344 6 6.01083547191332 7 4.30737704918033 8 5.63978201634877 9 4.45558583106267 10 4.47372488408037 11 3.4083044982699 12 9.76410531972058