Basics of Programming

In this document, we will learn how to:

  • Cover Python fundamentals, including variables, data types, and assignments.

  • Use the type() function to determine variable data types.

  • Explore key python functions like .head(), .tail(), len(), .info(), as well as basic arithmetic operations.

  • Modify data types within a dataset using astype().

Variables and Data Types

Python variables are very similar to how variables are used in R. The primary difference is that instead of using or to assign variables, Python uses a single =.

Python has a few key differences from R in regards to variable behavior. Information on variable assignment in Python can be found in the Variable Assigment section below.

Similar to other programming languages Python has several core variable types. Overview of each variable type are included below:

Variable Assigment

my_var = 4

This declares a variable with a value of 4.

Actually this is technically not true. Numbers between -5 and 256 (inclusive) are already pre-declared and exist within Python’s memory before you assigned the value to my_var. The = operator simply forces my_var to point to that value that already exists! That is right, my_var is technically a pointer.

One of the most important differences between variables in R and Python is what is happening in the background. Take the code example below:

my_var = 4
new_variable = my_var
my_var = my_var + 1
print(f"my_var: {my_var}\nnew_variable: {new_variable}")
my_var: 5
my_var: 4
my_var = [4,]
new_variable = my_var
my_var[0] = my_var[0] + 1
print(f"my_var: {my_var}\nnew_variable: {new_variable}")
my_var: [5]
new_variable: [5]

The first chunk of code behaves as you’d expect because int values are immutable, meaning the values cannot be changed. As a result, when we assign my_var = my_var + 1, my_vars value isn’t changing. Instead my_var is just being pointed to a different value (in this case 5). In comparison new_variable still points to the value of 4.

The second chunk of code is different because it is dealing with a mutable list. We first assign the first value (0 index) of the list to a value of 4. We then assign my_var to new_variable. Unlike the first example, this does not copy the values. Instead both my_var and new_variable point to the same mutable list object. When we then change the value of the list by 1 the change is reflected in each variable since they are pointing to the same object.

An excellent article goes into more detail and can be found here.


None is a keyword used to define a null value. This would be the Python equivalent to R’s NULL. If used in an if statement, None represents False. This does not mean None == False, in fact:

print(None == False)

Even though None can represent False in an if statement Python does not evaluate the two as equivalent.


The difference between NaN and None in Python can be somewhat confusing. The NaN value stand for not a number and is commonly used to reference missing data. Python will often convert None values to NaN dynamically, especially when working with numbers. There are lots of methods to identify and remove or fill NaN values, but it is worth noting that Python will evaluate them with no issues for many operations.

For example, if I wanted to sum the rows below and then remove any NaN values we could try the initial code snippet.

col_1 = [np.nan, 50, 100]
col_2 = [np.nan, 100, 50]

example_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(col_1, col_2)), columns=['Value 1', 'Value 2'])
example_dataframe['example_sum'] = np.sum(example_dataframe, axis=1)

However, Python would evaluate this as the table below:

Value 1

Value 2











If we were to try to remove NaN values based on the example_sum column no rows would be removed. In this case we’d want to remove or fill the Nan values prior to the aggregation (sum).


A bool has two possible values: True and False. It is important to understand that technically they also correspond to integers:

print(True == 1)
print(False == 0)

The True and False values only correspond to 1 and 0 respectively. They will not evaulate in the same way for other numbers:

print(True == 2)

However, if used in an if statement numbers that do not equal 1 or 0 can evaulate to True. Think of the if statement below as asking the question Does this value equal 3? and returning True or False as a result.

if 3:
    print("3 evaluates to True")
3 evaluates to True


str indicate string in Python. String are "immutable sequences of Unicode code points". Strings can be surrounded in single quotes, double quotes, or triple quoted (with either single or double quotes):

print(f"Single quoted text is type: {type('test')}")
Single quoted text is type: <class 'str'>
print(f"Double quoted text is type: {type("test")}")
Double quoted text is type: <class 'str'>
print(f"Triple quoted with single quotes is type: {type('''test''')}")
Triple quoted with single quotes is type: <class 'str'>
print(f"Triple quoted with double quotes is type: {type("""test""")}")
Triple quoted with double quotes is type: <class 'str'>

The benefit of triple quoting a string is that it can span multiple lines in the code. These lines will include the whitespace between the text:

my_string = """This text
spans multiple
This text
spans multiple

However, if we tried the same thing without triple quotes:

my_string = "This text,
will throw an error"

In Python you do have the ability for other code to span multiple lines using \, but newlines won’t be maintained:

my_string = "This text, \
will throw an error"
This text, will throw an error


int values are whole numbers. For instance:

my_var = 5
<class 'int'>

int values can be added, subtracted, or multiplied without changing the variable type. However, divison of int values will change the variable type to float whether or not the result of the division is a whole number:

<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>

Similarly, any calculation between an int and a float results in a float:

print(type(6+2.0)) ## 2.0 is a float
<class 'float'>


float values are floating point numbers. Also known as numbers with decimals.

my_var = 5.0
<class 'float'>

float values can be converted back to int using the int function. This coercion causes the float value to be truncated, regardless of how close to the "next" number the float is. Note: This will not round a number in the way that you would expect. There are round functions in Python that have the more expected functionality.



complex values represent complex numbers. For example, j can be used to represent an imaginary number. In order for Python to understand this j must be preceded by a number. For example 1j.

my_var = 1j
<class 'complex'>

Arithmetic with a complex value always results in a complex:

print(type(1j * 2))
<class 'complex'>

Unlike the other types mentioned above, you cannot convert a complex value to an int or float:

Python error :(

Let’s try another example. Let’s execute the command x = "Hello World", and have the variable x hold a string. You can use the type function in Python to check what data type your object is.

x = "Hello World"
<class 'str' >

If you wanted to get the length of the string, you could use the len function.


Now let’s say we wanted to divide two integers and then check what the resulting data type is

x = 15 / 2

If you wanted to return an integer, you can use the '//' operator which returns an integer.

x = 15 // 2

Logical Operators

Logical operators in Python evaluate Boolean expressions (True/False values) and return a result based on the operator used.




equal to


not equal to

x + y

Add x and y

x - y

Subtract y from x

x * y

Multiply x by y

x / y

Divide x by y

not x

negation, not x

x or y

x OR y

x and y

x AND y

x is y

x and y both point to the same objects in memory

x == y

x and y have the same values

Let’s demonstrate how you can perform arithmetic operations.

# using the and operator
x = 10
y = 20
print(x > 5 and y > 15)
# using and, or and not operators
x = 10
y = 20
x = 30

print(not (x > y or y < 25) and z == 30)

Now, let’s use the input() function to prompt the user to enter a number. Input() returns a string, so you need to convert it to an integer using int() to perform arithmetic operations:

num1 = int(input("Enter an integer: "))

You can have a user input a second integer, and assign it to a variable named num2:

num2 = int(input("Enter a second integer: "))

Now let’s add the values of num1 and num2 and print a string that says: The sum of the two numbers is: [result here]

sum_result = num1 + num2
print("The sum of the two numbers is:", sum_result)
The sum of the two numbers is: 10

Exploring Data Types using a Dataset

We will use the following dataset(s) to explore data types.


Reading the Data

The beginning step of most projects is reading a file and storing it. We can use the Pandas library and use read_csv, which reads in .csv files and outputs a DataFrame. A DataFrame is the star of the pandas package. Many of our pandas guides are simply building blocks for understanding DataFrames.

The standard practice for DataFrames is reading a file and saving it, taking a glimpse at its contents, and using a wide variety of methods to manipulate the data to achieve whatever goal you have.

As with any package, we must import the pandas library, and the customary import statement is import pandas as pd. Let’s use read_csv to save the file "airports.csv" into the variable myDF:

import pandas as pd
myDF = pd.read_csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/flights/subset/airports.csv")

Now let’s examine the first five rows of our DataFrame to understand the structure of our data using the .head() function, including the available columns and the information they contain.

  iata               airport              city state country        lat        long
0  00M              Thigpen        Bay Springs    MS     USA  31.953765  -89.234505
1  00R  Livingston Municipal        Livingston    TX     USA  30.685861  -95.017928
2  00V           Meadow Lake  Colorado Springs    CO     USA  38.945749 -104.569893
3  01G          Perry-Warsaw             Perry    NY     USA  42.741347  -78.052081
4  01J      Hilliard Airpark          Hilliard    FL     USA  30.688012  -81.905944

Now let’s examine the last five rows of our DataFrame using the .tail() function.

     iata                    airport         city state country        lat        long
3371  ZEF            Elkin Municipal        Elkin    NC     USA  36.280024  -80.786069
3372  ZER  Schuylkill Cty/Joe Zerbey   Pottsville    PA     USA  40.706449  -76.373147
3373  ZPH      Zephyrhills Municipal  Zephyrhills    FL     USA  28.228065  -82.155916
3374  ZUN                 Black Rock         Zuni    NM     USA  35.083227 -108.791777
3375  ZZV       Zanesville Municipal   Zanesville    OH     USA  39.944458  -81.892105

Examining the Data Types of the Dataset

We can display the dataset information, using the .info() function which returns the data types and columns of the dataset.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3376 entries, 0 to 3375
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------   --------------  -----
 0   iata     3376 non-null   object
 1   airport  3376 non-null   object
 2   city     3364 non-null   object
 3   state    3364 non-null   object
 4   country  3376 non-null   object
 5   lat      3376 non-null   float64
 6   long     3376 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(2), object(5)
memory usage: 184.8+ KB

From the output above, we can observe that our dataset contains seven columns, with their data types listed under Dtype. The columns 'iata', 'airport', 'city', 'state', and 'country' are categorized as object types, while 'lat' and 'long' are float variables. In Python, particularly when working with pandas, the object data type is used as a container for various types of Python objects, including strings. Pandas generally classifies columns containing textual data as objects. We can convert the object columns into strings.

Handling Missing Values

Before performing data conversion, let’s identify missing values in the dataset. Missing values in numeric or textual columns can lead to issues during data type conversion so it’s good to check before we start to do data type conversion.

missing_data = myDF[myDF.isnull().any(axis=1)]
     iata                       airport  city state                         country        lat        long
1136  CLD    MC Clellan-Palomar Airport  <NA>  <NA>                             USA  33.127231 -117.278727
1715  HHH                   Hilton Head  <NA>  <NA>                             USA  32.224384  -80.697629
2251  MIB                     Minot AFB  <NA>  <NA>                             USA  48.415769 -101.358039
2312  MQT      Marquette County Airport  <NA>  <NA>                             USA  46.353639  -87.395361
2752  RCA                 Ellsworth AFB  <NA>  <NA>                             USA  44.145094 -103.103567
2759  RDR               Grand Forks AFB  <NA>  <NA>                             USA  47.961167  -97.401167
2794  ROP                   Prachinburi  <NA>  <NA>                        Thailand  14.078333  101.378334
2795  ROR              Babelthoup/Koror  <NA>  <NA>                           Palau   7.367222  134.544167
2900  SCE               University Park  <NA>  <NA>                             USA  40.851206  -77.846302
2964  SKA                 Fairchild AFB  <NA>  <NA>                             USA  47.615058 -117.655803
3001  SPN  Tinian International Airport  <NA>  <NA>               N Mariana Islands  14.996111  145.621384
3355  YAP             Yap International  <NA>  <NA>  Federated States of Micronesia   9.516700  138.100000

We can see that the columns city and state have NA values. Let’s replace missing Values with a placeholder like "Missing":

df['city'].fillna('Missing', inplace=True)
df['state'].fillna('Missing', inplace=True)

Changing Data Types

Next, let’s change data types using astype(). We can convert the object variables to strings. The lat and long variables can remain unchanged, as the float data type is suitable for them.

columns_to_string = ['iata', 'airport', 'city', 'state', 'country']

myDF[columns_to_string] = myDF[columns_to_string].astype('string')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3376 entries, 0 to 3375
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------   --------------  -----
 0   iata     3376 non-null   string
 1   airport  3376 non-null   string
 2   city     3364 non-null   string
 3   state    3364 non-null   string
 4   country  3376 non-null   string
 5   lat      3376 non-null   float64
 6   long     3376 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(2), string(5)
memory usage: 184.8 KB

We covered the foundational aspects of Python programming, focusing on variables, data types, and basic operations. By practicing these basics, you will build a strong foundation for more advanced Python programming and data analysis tasks.