Functions with the Year Dataset
This example is from TDM 102 Project 5 Spring 2024.
These example(s) depend on the database:
The NOAA data set includes weather-related information from multiple weather stations across the United States. It contains daily records for several years in CSV files.
Function for Average Temperature Calculation
Write a function called avg_aggreg_temp
that takes 5 parameters: the file_location
as a string, the column_title_list
as a list of column titles, the start_date
as an integer, the end_date
as an integer, and the temperature element_code
as a string, with default value "TAVG"
. Your function should output the average value
for rows with that element_code
. For instance, in the default case (where element_code
is "TAVG"
), your function should output the average value
which is the average of the average temperatures (as a decimal number).
import pandas as pd
def avg_aggreg_temp(file_location, column_title_list, start_date, end_date, element_code="TAVG"):
data = pd.read_csv(file_location, names=column_title_list, chunksize=10000)
filtered_chunks = []
for chunk in data:
filtered_chunk = chunk[(chunk['date'] >= start_date) &
(chunk['date'] <= end_date) &
(chunk['element_code'] == element_code)]
filtered_data = pd.concat(filtered_chunks)
avg_value = filtered_data['value'].mean()
return avg_value
Test the Average Temperature Function
Run the function for on the data set 2018.csv
, using start_date
20180101 and end_date
20180115, and with "TAVG"
as the element_code
avg_aggreg_temp("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/noaa/2018.csv", ["id","date","element_code","value","mflag","qflag","sflag","obstime"],
20180101, 20180115, "TAVG")
Average Element by Year
Create a function that takes a list of years (or, if you prefer, a list of file locations), as a list of column names, and an element_code
as input, and returns a dictionary with one entry per year. In the dictionary, for each year, it should have the year as the key and the average value of the specified element_code
as the value for that year.
import pandas as pd
def avg_element_per_year(files, column_title_list, element_code="TAVG"):
result_dict = {}
for file in files:
df = pd.read_csv(file, header=None, names=column_names)
df['year'] = df['date'].astype(str).str[:4].astype(int)
df = df[df['element_code'] == element_code]
return result_dict
Test the Function Average Element by Year
Test your function for the element_code
and for the range of four years 1880 to 1883 (inclusive), i.e., range(1880,1884)
files = [f'/anvil/projects/tdm/data/noaa/{year}.csv' for year in range(1880,1884)]
column_title_list = ["id", "date", "element_code", "value", "mflag", "qflag", "sflag", "obstime"]
averages = avg_element_per_year(files, column_title_list, element_code="TAVG")
{1880: 127.30054644808743, 1881: 49.00669116954104, 1882: 58.33541290428501, 1883: 50.54050116550116, 1884: 43.55310794622654}
Modify Average Element by Year
Modify the function avg_element_per_year
, to include an extra parameter for the month. This function should have the same behavior as avg_element_per_year
, but for each year, the function should only use the data from that month of the year.
def monthly_comparison(files, column_title_list,element_code, month):
monthly_averages = {}
for file_path in files:
year = file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, names = column_title_list)
df['month'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%Y%m%d').dt.month
monthly_averages[year] = df[(df['element_code'] == element_code) & (df['month'] == month)]['value'].mean()
files = [f'/anvil/projects/tdm/data/noaa/{year}.csv' for year in range(1880,1884)]
column_title_list = ["id", "date", "element_code", "value", "mflag", "qflag", "sflag", "obstime"]
{'1880': 225.70967741935485, '1881': 188.42227122381476, '1882': 207.34585741811176, '1883': 185.22810060711188, 1884: 43.55310794622654}
Year with Most QFlags
Create a function that takes a list of years as input, and identifies the year that has the most qflags of the type that the user specified.
def year_with_most_qflags(files, column_title_list, qflag):
qflag_counts = {}
for file_path in files:
year = file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
df = pd.read_csv(file_path,names = column_title_list)
qflag_counts[year] = df[df['qflag'] == qflag].shape[0]
return max(qflag_counts, key=qflag_counts.get)
Test Year with the Most QFlags Function
Run the function for years in the range 1880 to 1883, and test it with some various qflag values, such as D, G, I, K, L, N, O, S, X.
print(year_with_most_qflags(files, column_title_list, "D"))
print(year_with_most_qflags(files, column_title_list, "S"))