R base functions


table is a function used to build a contingency table, which is a table that shows counts for categorical data, from one or more categories. prop.table is a function that accepts table output, returning proportions of the counts.


Show how times each brand of ice cream appears, in each of the two files: products.csv and reviews.csv

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# read in the products file
products <- read.csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/icecream/combined/products.csv")

# read in the reviews file
reviews <- read.csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/icecream/combined/reviews.csv")
# products.csv
     bj breyers      hd talenti
     57      69      70      45

 # reviews.csv
     bj breyers      hd talenti
   7943    5007    4655    4069