Matplotlib with the Vehicles Database

This example is based on question 5 from TDM 102 Project 2 Spring 2024.

These example(s) depend on the database:

  • /anvil/projects/tdm/data/craigslist/vehicles.csv

This dataset consists of vehicle listings sourced from It includes comprehensive information provided by Craigslist on car sales, featuring details such as price, condition, manufacturer, latitude/longitude, and 18 additional categories.

Find more about the dataset here.

For the example below, you need to use 3 cores in your Jupyter Lab session. If you started your Jupyter Lab session with only 1 core, just close your Jupyter Lab session and start a new session that uses 3 cores. Otherwise, your kernel will crash when you load the data.

Barplot with Vehicles Dataset

Plot a bar chart that illustrates the number of vehicles in each state, whose price is strictly lower than $6000. The bar chart should show the number of each of these vehicles in each state.

mydf = pd.read_csv("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/craigslist/vehicles.csv",index_col=0)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
subDF = mydf[mydf['price']<6000]
cars_by_states = subDF.groupby('state').size()
cars_by_states.plot(kind = 'bar',figsize = (10,16))
plt.title("Cars under $6000 numbers by state")
plt.ylabel("numbers of cars")
plt.xticks(rotation = 45)
Plotting a barplot with Vehicles Dataset
Figure 1. Barplot in Matplotlib