Apply Functions
The documentation definition for tapply
is a bit more specific than the others, where the arguments are now (X, INDEX, FUN)
, with X
being an object where the split
function applies, INDEX
is a factor by which X
is grouped, and FUN
is function as before.
To simplify this definition, we can say tapply
applies FUN
to X
when X
is grouped by INDEX
Using the reviews_sample csv file, show the three dates on which the mean score is a 5.
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myDF <- fread("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/beer/reviews_sample.csv")
tail(sort(tapply(myDF$score, myDF$date, mean, na.rm=TRUE)), n=3)
2001-04-26 5 2001-06-18 5 2002-01-26 5
Using the reviews_sample csv file, show a table displaying the mean score values for each month and year pair.
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myDF <- fread("/anvil/projects/tdm/data/beer/reviews_sample.csv")
beer_reviews$date <- as.Date(beer_reviews$date)
years <- format(beer_reviews$date, "%Y")
months <- format(beer_reviews$date, "%m")
mean_scores <- tapply(beer_reviews$score, list(years, months), mean)
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 1998 3.770000 3.396667 4.092000 3.840000 3.702000 4.700000 3.100000 3.823333 1999 NA 3.613333 NA NA 3.820000 3.850000 3.880000 NA 2000 NA 4.300000 NA 3.880000 NA 4.470000 3.995000 NA 2001 4.220000 4.488000 4.403333 3.053333 NA 4.012000 4.080000 3.905455 2002 4.246667 3.706000 3.933846 3.831224 3.887788 3.782655 3.950776 3.628201 2003 3.842596 3.921875 3.840573 3.929500 3.895977 3.768022 3.742609 3.710635 2004 3.892104 3.822910 3.757987 3.825360 3.826656 3.798576 3.816569 3.861793 2005 3.872065 3.805870 3.884944 3.806607 3.743355 3.859615 3.769045 3.784184 2006 3.821626 3.789613 3.803201 3.833529 3.816436 3.847766 3.799106 3.795228 2007 3.796619 3.820563 3.785231 3.820230 3.768441 3.721336 3.809563 3.710408 2008 3.897296 3.879322 3.825841 3.866337 3.819464 3.824667 3.833681 3.845346 2009 3.868856 3.839302 3.847518 3.846370 3.892921 3.872649 3.851616 3.850718 2010 3.810428 3.886246 3.884490 3.869777 3.838745 3.838772 3.806898 3.842232 2011 3.861355 3.839600 3.839057 3.841564 3.844314 3.840459 3.855617 3.809778 2012 3.827531 3.813721 3.842391 3.856536 3.843407 3.827998 3.843218 3.818722 2013 3.930060 3.922282 3.945560 3.949689 3.945230 3.883678 3.849965 3.847642 2014 3.894819 3.919469 3.923504 3.890891 3.886415 3.909815 3.872173 3.872730 2015 3.997097 3.996901 4.005002 3.991280 3.984110 3.979467 3.967579 3.963439 2016 3.986488 4.001558 3.987044 3.950565 3.970315 3.982854 3.987852 3.993576 2017 4.011244 4.036964 4.025383 4.010692 3.986720 3.978366 3.978893 3.998201 2018 4.025227 4.030995 4.013674 4.007635 3.999648 4.001002 3.948450 3.980969 09 10 11 12 1998 3.355000 3.910000 NA 3.930000 1999 NA 3.500000 3.880000 4.000000 2000 3.885000 3.880000 4.670000 3.400000 2001 4.010556 3.948000 4.112069 3.851053 2002 3.798758 3.784247 3.885028 3.832537 2003 3.761452 3.771104 3.790879 3.802826 2004 3.802122 3.784444 3.741100 3.843094 2005 3.795644 3.782152 3.855852 3.860837 2006 3.826782 3.764831 3.802075 3.804746 2007 3.769330 3.826076 3.779580 3.834992 2008 3.824287 3.817620 3.841760 3.816298 2009 3.809730 3.862528 3.851910 3.860305 2010 3.844956 3.807355 3.844931 3.876926 2011 3.799865 3.854808 4.132859 4.013434 2012 3.826335 3.831577 3.869356 3.853065 2013 3.822392 3.860475 3.875164 3.885565 2014 3.885820 3.921727 3.933716 3.967668 2015 3.967281 3.967198 3.985564 3.993312 2016 4.005607 3.990623 4.007644 4.010456 2017 4.005115 4.002342 4.008391 4.045614 2018 3.992782 NA NA NA