Think Summer: Project 1 — 2024

How many people from the IMDB database were born in the same year as you? How many were born in the year that Dr Ward was born (1976)? Find your favorite actor or actress in the IMDB database and get their personID. What year were they born?

In which years was the tvSeries House of Cards broadcast? Hint: You likely need to limit the results so that the type is tvSeries.

Consider the tvSeries The West Wing. How many episodes of this tvSeries aired altogether? Now, consider your favorite tvSeries: how many episodes does your favorite show have?

During the years 1980 to 1990, how many people (from the people table) were born in each year?

Lookup the personID for Whoopi Goldberg on IMDB. Using her personID, how many times has she been a member of a crew? How many times was she an actress? A producer? A writer? Now pick your own favorite director, actor or actress, or writer, etc., and find how many crews include that person?

How many titles have Adventure as one of the genres? In which year did the most titles appear, with Adventure as one of the genres?